Take advantage of our non-stop service throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia. If you need servicing for your machines, please contact us anytime +420 547 214 214

Service rates in the Czech Republic
Rate for weekdays | 7.00–16.00 | 16.00–20.00 | 20.00–7.00 |
Work of a mechanic | CZK 970/hour | CZK 1090/hour | CZK 1 690/hour |
Kilometrage - CZK 19 / km |
Rate for Sat, Sun, holidays | 7.00–16.00 | 16.00–20.00 | 20.00–7.00 |
Work of a mechanic | CZK 1 290/hour | CZK 1 690/hour | CZK 2 000/hour |
Time of mechanic's drive | CZK 250/hour | CZK 350/hour | CZK 450/hour |
Kilometrage - CZK 19 / km |
Service rates for Slovakia
Work of a mechanic | 49 EUR/hour |
Time of mechanic's drive | 25 EUR/hour |
Kilometrage | 1,1 EUR/hour |
Prices do not include VAT. Prices do not include spare parts of operating fluids required for servicing.
Service coverage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Our fleet has 20 service cars
We've been taking care of machines for 20 years